Thursday 17 August 2017


Library offers the following general services and other innovative value added services.
(a) Lending Service
Lending service is the primary service of the library.  All the documents in the library are bar-coded.  The check in and check out process is carried out at the circulation desk using the bar code identity card issued to the members.
Document lending (Issue/Return/Renewal/Reservation), clearance of dues and related activities.
(b) Reference and bibliographic services
 Library has possessed a balanced and rich collection on all branches of knowledge for reference. Reference Service is available in the library for sources of information and to locate the required documents.  The Library staff may be approached for any help in information retrieval.
 (c) ONLINE / CD ROM Database Service
Users can search the CD-ROM / Online databases themselves or request the librarian for a comprehensive search. The results can be verified and if necessary key word, search strategy etc can be altered till required results are obtained. Search negotiation is possible. Library has also collection of 350 Cds/DVD related to various subjects.
(d) CAS and SDI Services
Newly added books are displayed at the entrance of the Library stack room for alerting the students and scholars. 
(e) Photocopying service
A fully equipped reprographic facility with a copier caters to the copying requirements of users.  There is a facility for photocopying of library documents, which are not lent outside the library.
(f) Newspaper Clipping Service
Library maintains clippings from leading Newspapers on news related to the Institute and subject related field.

(g) Document Delivery Services
Copies of articles will be made available on request.

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